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2023 Herb Bank Recap

6 min
herb bank  ✺  homestead  ✺  farm  ✺  herbalism  ✺  serenus

I feel like I just made 2022's year end post, but here I am again. I don't really believe in linear time so I'll spare you the mushy new years feelings. Nowadays, the years only serve as a countdown on how long we have to finish our home and pay it off in full, or lose it, and our land (more on this soon, I think).

For the benefit of everyone who does think in calendar years, here's what we accomplished together last year.

Cream and black graphic titled "2023 Herb Bank Recap"
Cream and black graphic titled "2023 Herb Bank Recap" Stats are repeated in next paragraph.

186 herbal care packages mailed to Black &/or Indigenous folks across 32 U.S. states + Canada. That's 793 handmade remedies, some using herbs foraged and/or grown at Moonpence. I began offering free KN95/N95 respirators in Herb Bank packages in July, and since then, we've shipped out 112 high quality masks during an ongoing pandemic. We started the year with 41 Herb Bank members (all tiers) and ended with 62. All of our members and Herb Bank contributors made this possible, so thank you. Even the folks who are not signed up for Herb Bank tiers - your smaller contributions to the farm contribute to my goal of growing most of the herbs used in these care packages. Thanks to you, I was able to begin growing oat tops, oatstraw and nettles in large amounts - these went straight into the potions you see in the Serenus shop and Herb Bank packages. Each of these visions are interconnected, and every member is crucial to our goals.

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