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moonpence farm ●

is a new queer/trans/Black-owned medicinal herb farm in rural new mexico

our joy is providing free medicine to our communities

become a monthly supporter

monthly memberships support our farm's infrastructure buildout and fund the Serenus Herb Bank. your contributions directly support Black & Indigenous liberation.

all tiers have access to the same content, but higher tiers are our main source of funding for our Herb Bank, ensuring that Black & Indigenous community members have access to free medicines, no questions asked.

as we are in the process of starting a farm from scratch, our content will most definitely be sporadic. but rest assured that less content from us here means we are busy on the farm! we hope you'll become a subscriber to support our work, with receiving content as an added bonus. you'll occasionally receive farm & house renovation updates, music & nature field recordings composed just for you, photography & our thoughts - all in your inbox (no algorithm or feeds getting in between us).

if you are Black and/or Indigenous and would like a complimentary subscription, reach out to!

photo by max almario

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